Accueil > Kupferschienen



Low voltage : 1000V AC/1500V DC
- Tested
- Exceptional resistance to short-circuit forces
- Very easy to install
- Minimun overall dimensions
- In halogen free or chlorine free, glass fibre reinforced polyamide
- Metts IEC 439 standard

Flat Busbar Supports (FBS)
- Complete range of 12 flat supports
- For plain, punched or threaded bar 15 to 125mm width, thickness 5 or 10mm
- From 160 to 2300A

Compact & Reinforced Busbar Supports (CBS)
- Complete range of 5 supports, bars on edge
- For plain, punched or threaded bars 25 to 80mm width, thickness 5, 6 or 10mm
- From 250 to 1600A

Universal Busbar Supports (UBS)
- Complete range of 15 supports
- Panels : 300 to 900mm
- Bars : 30-200mm, thickness 5 or 10mm
- Up to 7400A
- Bus-duct IP 0

Adjustable Busbar Support (ABS)
- Allows you to select the desired distance between each phase, and the desired configuration (bipolar, tripolar, tetrapolar)
- Up to 7400A
- Tested in ERICO, E.D.F. Les Renardieres and other private laboratories
- Extremely robust construction
- Universal fixing system
- Time savings during mounting procedure.


A complete range of supports for all your busbar configurations, flat or on edge.


North America
Europe/Middle East/Africa

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