Low voltage : 1000V AC/1500V DC
Exceptional resistance to short-circuit forces
Very easy to install
Minimun overall dimensions
In halogen free or chlorine free, glass fibre reinforced polyamide
Metts IEC 439 standard
Flat Busbar Supports (FBS)
Complete range of 12 flat supports
For plain, punched or threaded bar 15 to 125mm width, thickness 5 or 10mm
From 160 to 2300A
Compact & Reinforced Busbar Supports (CBS)
Complete range of 5 supports, bars on edge
For plain, punched or threaded bars 25 to 80mm width, thickness 5, 6 or 10mm
From 250 to 1600A
Universal Busbar Supports (UBS)
Complete range of 15 supports
Panels : 300 to 900mm
Bars : 30-200mm, thickness 5 or 10mm
Up to 7400A
Bus-duct IP 0
Adjustable Busbar Support (ABS)
Allows you to select the desired distance between each phase, and the desired configuration (bipolar, tripolar, tetrapolar)
Up to 7400A
Tested in ERICO, E.D.F. Les Renardieres and other private laboratories
Extremely robust construction
Universal fixing system
Time savings during mounting procedure.
A complete range of supports for all your busbar configurations, flat or on edge.
North America
Europe/Middle East/Africa